
All aboard this train ride
Talkin' 'bout raw, hardcore, leaving frauds on the outside!
Public Enemy, "Nighttrain"

'sup, discerning wrestling fan. It's me, it's me, it's--Butch Rosser. Slash? Did it. OMG? Did it. Cubs Fan? Doing the PPV recaps when I can be bothered, and doing it well. Restraining order from Trish? Getting there.

Anyway, this is as simple as Spaulding's deal--I watch Raw and comment on the show as it goes on. Considering my already "skewed" view of pop culture and my lengthy memories from watching wrestling about 15 years, it's going to be a trip for those who don't know.

And if you do, then hail the Ayatollah of Rock N' Bowlah!
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We the Peepsle miss Chrstian already.

Highlight Reel AND the Cabana on the same show? Isn't that going to make the universe implode? Hey, they gave him an HResque corner logo. Ugh, I hate Sacramento. If Carlito's really cool, he'll make a move on Brooke. Speak of the is-it-'07-devil. Yeah, I'm watching. (What else is on Sundays at 10 besides the Rescue Me rerun?) DAMN, I loves me some Carlito. There's the phrase, Mean Gene. I'm not sure if Carlito would make my RAW top 5 but if he wouldn't it'd be damn close. HOLY CRAP! The Angle Legend Killer Tour continues? I thought one of the I's was intelligence; you JUST saw Carlito get dropped for that. Tag contest. Poor Marty.

Nice to see Lillian back. How about It's SO Their Fault for the heels and...the Double Feature for the faces. Nice to see them acknowledge the immolation and that JR & Kane don't go out for beers or anything. SKILLET. Didn't Snitsky get that eye jacked last year? "Previously enjoyed companion"! Double flying shoulderblock! Every time Show does a double suplex it rules. Air Kane? Yessir. Aww...if ANY team should use a double chokeslam...

"I moaned and groaned until I got my way." Somewhere Scott Keith's head just exploded. What's more American than that?

Nice "Big Vis Is Yo Daddy" sign. What got bleeped? C'mon, Lillian, turn heel. You'll look hotter. Plus, the Heart Throbs need a little boost. How would they hit the Heart Stopper (™ Me) on him anyhow? OW.

I love the fact I was telling Skank Army jokes last month and it's literally come to pass tonight with that "attire". Why was I cursed to be the trendsetter?

"Blockbuster" trade. PFFT. CHAVO~! What, does this angle run in the family or something? Steve. C'mon Steve Guerrero. KERWIN WHITE~! I do believe I have a fake name to give strippers in Vegas. He should've thrown in a III or Esq., though.

Uh, Sactown. HEEL. Just so you know. Portland? Lost a roof. Help. Wow, someone actually sat in the chair--nobody ever sits in the chair. OBSCENELY EXPENSIVE~! I've nothing bad to say about that. Pitch perfect. Bring on SummerSlam, I says.

From the sublime to the ridiculous (my favorite of all segues). Hey, the '04 WSOP is on. Commercial--did I just miss a boob pop out? Bah. Did Lawler have the long-anticipated coronary at the desk? See, now I'm torn: poker or boobs. I'm picking poker--I have no attachment to the boobs, but more poker nuances to pick up six weeks before a Vegas trip's all to the good.

STILL with this? At least Heat should be good. Hey, that looks like a wrestler! No Fifi?! You never want to be described as "viable". I like Coach using panache in lieu of charisma there.


OK, Jennifer Walcott's talking about her lesbian experience on Stern. So I'm assuming good beat evil and all is well with the world.

Addendum: WHOOPS.


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