Rawbservations 7:18

Handicap match. We all know he's going for a handicap match. Or a lumberjack match VS. the handicapped.

I guess we're getting our IC Title match now? So, Carlito's getting DQed this week. The mans' crafty, yo. How 'bout the pop for Shelton. C'mon, Sideshow Bob chant...Flying Lariat Giveaway Night at Not The Spectrum. Wow, they all referenced the original incident right off. Good job. Damn, Carlito rules. Nice counter into the Tree--I think the first time I've seen a counter that way and also showing he learned from getting victimized last week. San Juan! Thank you, J.R., thank you. Cool Effect! Some...weird Flatliner looking deal! And there you go. How can you not love Carlito: he smiled right when the bell rang!

Philly fans chanting "YOU SUCK!" That's new. Kurt must love TNT. Me & Kurt had the same reaction at the same time. Now that--that's cool! "Man, you lie a lot!" The fourth I: IRONY. It sends an accurate message, Jerry: cheat and get everything. Nice dead weight job before the Angle Slam hit by Striker.

If I don't hear "She's a crack whore"...pfft. You all SUCK.

If only they'd debuted the Boogeyman in Philly it would've been the Moment of the Year. Way to name all British bands, Chris.

I really missed Evil Shawn.

Paging Mr. Show...a Mr. Show. Nice threads for the big man. Dude. FALL BACK. RUN back. Move, fat ass, move! Paul, you're late. But funny.

Butch Fact: Matt will be hiding under the ring. Hey, screw you, Adam, I had a relationship and she wasn't the time zone bicycle! POW! How you like me now?!

*looks at at the salary for an average WWE upper carder*

Bah. Was that the first bullshit since Bret the week before the turn?

Good thing Lillian introduced this guy, otherwise I'd have no clue who he is. Philly's gotten soooooooft, that Logan kid was right. Shawn gets pyro for this? Poor Kurt. How dare Shawn insult Paul Orndorff like that. HBK's dead stare rules. What's he going to do? He's gonna superkick you in the face really hard again? It's a guess, to be sure, but...

MFers, get the TiVo. Edge scanning the crowd's a nice touch. Not good enough! Nice cheapshot! I heard shit twice. Run, Matty, Run! Oh, right, the match. Don't really care yet. EDT! Nice splash against the cage. THERE'S my chant. Good thing Kane gigged after I stood next to him, he was scary enough attempting normalcy. Air Kane! Shades of Vengeance with the uberpummel in the corner. That put a smile on Matt's face. CURBSTOMP! The briefcase was legal, so I don't know why JR's having the thrombo. One floor, going down. Zuh? Is Edge's shot still even good? OW.

Can't believe he tossed the jersey. Man, it's like HBO tonight. Well, what's Spike gonna do, throw them off the air? Coat Hanger! Aww. We missed Tajiri green misting someone and got THAT? Screw you, WWE. Way to protect Lillian, Chris! Vintage Jericho tantrum.


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