Cornette gone

Bloody hell, WWE actually released Jim Cornette, of all people. JIM CORNETTE! You know, one of the two or three greatest wrestling minds of the last 25 years, if not ever? JIM CORNETTE! You know, the guy who did his damndest to make sure that the next generation of WWE Superstars didn't totally suck, regardless of who the sacks of crap they sent him were?

Ugh, what a stupid, nearsighted move. His loss will be pretty much any other company's gain. Too bad he hates Ian Rotten, because Corny being involved with IWA-MS would be a thing of beauty.

Guess I'll be nice and throw up a photo credit for Wade Keller. Visit for all your wrestling news needs. If Meltzer's site is down, at any rate. That was just needlessly cruel, wasn't it?


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