Shane = helper monkey

For anyone who stumbles upon this that might be looking for some tapes, there are several places having some nice sales right now. Here's what I know of off the top of my head:

Smart Mark Video - From July 4-8. if you buy four or more shows, you can take 25% off of your order.

Ring of Honor - They're constantly doing a $6 VHS sale ($10 for two tape sets), as they're discontinuing their VHS collection. Also, for July 4th and 5th, they're doing a buy three, get one free sale on DVDs.

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla - Wacky Fun Summer Time Specials! Buy 5 DVDs, get 1 free. Buy 10, get 2 free. It's simple mathematics, people! Also, if you buy any three of the following shows (Guitarmageddon, Jason Takes PWG, Ernest P. Worrell Memorial or All Nude Revue), you'll get free shipping.

Highspots - More PWG silliness! Buy the Guitarmageddon DVD and get one of the following shows (44 Ways To Kill You With A Pimento, 88 Miles Per Hour, Kee_ The _ee Out Of Our _ool, Reason For The Season, Rocktoberfest, The Secret Of The Ooze, Taste The Radness, The Musical or The Next Show) for just $6.11.

Support your indy wrestling and your indy wrestling will support you.


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