
Where's Shelton's rematch? Thanks. How much longer can they keep him heel? October? DUELING HEELS~! HEEL, Jersey, the man's a heel now. "Yard sale of a set." OBSCENELY EXPENSIVE! He's right, you tubby bastards, tuck that shit in. "You don't dictate what's cool to me--I'm Canadian!" Sideshow Bob! oh

ho ho

ho ho ho ho

SNAP. Johnny Carson, not Carson Daly. Cue Bischoff. OR...see, Chris, this would be the originator. Heh. Buckwheat.

Chris Masters. Jennie Finch. Tough choice. Damn commercials. "I don't hate the player whatsoever." Mmm...Jennie Finch. Lovie Jung? Lovie Jung! You couldn't let Jessica White have a moment there?

You know, booking Kane the same day as Natalie Portman? Not smart. He did look dapper, I must concur. It's going to be even funnier watching Matt/Chris Daniels given time to hit four stars while Edge gets subsumed by HHH's return, HBK, Carlito, and Angle.

Nobody cares. Nobody caaaaares. Wow, he no sold a chop, he IS the Black Sting! They bleeped Carlito's "Oh, shit."--way to be on it. I like going for the baseball slide given what happened in the match where he lost the title. SIDESHOW BOB CHANT~ ~ ~! Hey, Carlos Colon namedrop. Thank you, Jim. I get the feeling the Sideshow Bob thing is gonna stick. Somebody needs to win a match with a small package out of nowhere again. DOUBLE Wave of the Future! Nice superplex! Dragon WHIP! OK, we need Shelton/Angle at SummerSlam. What a brilliant ending.

Nice use of ubiqiutous, J.R. I wonder if PN News ever sees this and just cries for hours. Tomko? Nice callback to the Cabana by Cena. When I said cue Bischoff, that was a whole hou--has Uncle Eric been around two years this month? Wow. Cena's right, people've gotten shot for less in Jersey. Chris' quiet celebration is a nice touch. Y2J, JBL. Coincidence? Holy crap. He didn't just say what I think he did, did he? Only evil people love Journey. I will gladly give USA 90% of my future earnings to make the ad campaign "Welcome to the new RAW, bitch."

They got rid of Alexis? Well, now I have no reason to watch. Best Part of the Worst Part: that two-second window where I thought the blonde was going to behead Christy. Oh, and...Cameron, is it? Cameron.

This the fired teacher? Yup. It's a pretty smart way for him to up his rates on the indy scene since there's No Chance In Hell he's getting hired by Vince. Holy hell, Kurt! Watch your neck. You know better. That's the second awesome ending tonight. Though I would've jumped out of the ring after the nutshot.

Well, that's gotta be him, they got it on camera.

Who wants to beat the Boogeyman is black? Damn honkies. (Addendum: isn't this guy the one Cornette got fired over, the 48 year old Tough Enough guy or whatever?)

Do it on the ramp! Aw. YES! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! Don't just stand there, Lillian, get the man a chair! Wow, for a lifetime midcarder that's a pretty decent chant. The shoot...is a symbol. "I wish you the best of luck, Johnny Ace!" HA! Somewhere in Hell right now, Brian Pillman is laughing his ass off.

And for the second week in a row, they pull off a second perfect segment with the proper conclusion. LIGHTNING! STRIKES! LIGHTNING! NOT ONCE BUT TWICE!


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