SmackDown! 6/30/2005: For and Against

*smashes bottle across blog's bow*


("Better", of course, meaning "lower-maintenance so Shane doesn't actually have to do any work.")

Hola, bitches. I'm Matt. You might remember me from such Web sites as [slash], The Oracles' War Room, and Oh Em Gee Dot Com. And if you don't, that's... really no big loss, to be honest. (All right, so you already know who I am. The joke doesn't work unless I introduce myself.)

I'm "The Sensible One" in the sidebar, if only by default. You last saw me do "The RAW Deal" for OMG a few years back. I've sworn off Raw now for two reasons: 1) I work Mondays, and more importantly 2) Triple H stopped being interesting about three years ago. So with S!D as my drug of choice these days and Butch creating the Rawbservations, I figured I'd do something.

This is "For and Against", a concept I stole shamelessly from Dennis Miller's syndicated late-night talk show in the mid-'90s (post-SNL, pre-"Dennis Miller Live"). The concept, for those unfamiliar, is devastatingly simple: I watch Smackdown. I see things I like and things I dislike. I tell you what they are and, in some cases, why. Be warned, though: I have odd tastes. I'm incredibly tolerant. And I think way too much. As always, it helps if you've watched the show, though I try to write things in such a way that you don't need to have seen it.

Got it? Good. Strap in and let's roll.

AGAINST: Big Show floundered on Raw last time. What's changed?

AGAINST: And who's gonna be the sixth man in the Smackdown title match?

AGAINST: Hassan's music.

FOR: Hassan's promo.

FOR: Hassan trying to save face with Taker.


FOR: That dropkick counter-attack by London.

FOR: Riding mowers~~~~~

FOR: Chavo and London trying to fight back this time.

FOR: Psicosis speaks English?

FOR: M & N checking out M.

FOR: Michelle's quasi-springing dropkick through the ropes.

FOR: That pinning combination.


AGAINST: Heidenreich being slow on the uptake.

FOR: Eddie's defiance in the face of adversity.

AGAINST: I guess Rey's kids don't watch the show and don't know what Eddie's been doing to their dad.

AGAINST: That was entirely too weird.

FOR: Rey coming out with no music.

AGAINST: Seriously, what the hell WAS that?

FOR: If nothing else, Eddie's given Rey a reason to get back into the ring with him.

FOR: They're doing the five-man now? It's like 9:05.

FOR: Chimel explaining the rules, which means they're going to come into play at some point.

FOR: I guess Long has an answer to the "who's replacing Big Show in the match" question.

FOR: So THAT'S the jacket Butch has been raving about. (AGAINST: The "C" is a little much, though.)

FOR: I guess Christian and Taker are starting.

AGAINST: No Orton? I was sure he was costing Undertaker the match here.

FOR: The Benoit/JBL blind tag trade sequence.

FOR: The whole psychology in tagging in and out of this match.


FOR: Cole and Tazz putting over Booker's toughness.

FOR: Christian's chicanery. Remember, THIS is how Booker/Angle started.

AGAINST: Two heels at the finish AGAIN? Don't these people listen to me?

FOR: Christian's celebrating costing him.

FOR: Long pulling the rug out from under JBL.

FOR: Batista's pyro.

FOR: Cole putting over Batista's three straight wins over Triple H.


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